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Organization Profile

Learn how to update your organization profile and styles.

Updated over 2 years ago

Within the Organization Profile, a user who is assigned an Owner role can update the Organization name, address, timezone and upload a logo. An Owner role can update formatting styles that are applied to all policies and procedures within the organization to maintain a consistent format. PolicyCo allows an Owner to adjust the Articles, Frameworks, Controls, Evidence, Policy, and Procedure labels. This provides the flexibility to update these labels to terminology that is more applicable/specific to their industry.

To Update Your Organization's Profile:

  • Click Settings from the left sidebar menu

  • Click Profile

To Upload a Logo

  • Click on Logo icon

  • Choose file to upload

To Remove a Logo

  • Click Remove Logo

  • Click Delete from pop up modal

To Update Name, Address and Timezone

  • Click in the text fields to type / choose from drop-down where applicable

  • Changes will auto-save

Organization Styles


Sections are content with a sequence that ends in .0 (Example: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

  • Header Font Size: The font size for the Section Header text. This is very similar to the the Article Title Size.

  • Bold, Italic, Left/Center/Right Justification: This determines the styles to be added to the Section Header.

  • Display Sequence: This determines whether the sequence is displayed in the viewer and PDF downloads. Example: 1.1, 1.2, etc. Sequences may be a great tool in the editor, but you also have the flexibility to hide them from a viewer.


  • Font Face: The font chosen for the policy content.

  • Title Size: The font size for the title text of each article.

  • Paragraph Size: The font size for the text in each article paragraph (the body text).

  • Bold, Italic, Left/Center/Right Justification: This determines the styles to be added to the Article Title.

  • Display Sequence: This determines whether the sequence is displayed in the viewer and PDF downloads. Example: 1.1, 1.2, etc. Sequences may be a great tool in the editor, but you also have the flexibility to hide them from a viewer.

Organization Ordered List Styles

PolicyCo allows the organization to set a style for their ordered lists. This style is cohesive across all policies and procedures within the organization. Drop down menus allow for a combination of numbers, letters, and/or Roman numerals. There is also the option to have each level be exact or cumulative in nature. See screen shots below to visualize the difference between exact and cumulative.


Procedure Print Settings

  • Hide: When selected, no procedures will be included in your policy downloads by default. The user still has the option to include procedures from the Download modal even when you choose to hide them from the Profile settings.

  • Inline: On printed documents, procedures will be included as part of an Appendix, and any procedures that are linked to an article will include the title of the procedure below the article. If the user is viewing the document on a device, there will be a hyperlink to direct the user to the procedure directly.

Organization Labels

PolicyCo sets labels by default to "Article," "Framework," "Control," "Evidence," "Policy," and "Procedure." These labels can be updated to make them more applicable to the organizations' industry terminology.

To Update Labels

  • Click on the label drop down and choose from available options

  • If a no available options are applicable to the organization, please contact us directly to make a request

Policy Classifications

Policies can be modified to reflect various classifications. The platform provides two default options: Internal Use Only, and Public. Your organization may also require another classification, such as Confidential. You may add a new classification and modify its description if needed.

To add a new classification, click Add New. You can then double click in the Name column to customize the name of the policy classification, as well as double click in the description column to customize the description of the classification.

Classifications and their descriptions will show on downloaded policy documents on the policy cover page, and each page of the document. The description will be at the header, and the classification will be at the footer.

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