Linking External Controls to Articles

Learn how to associate external controls with articles.

Updated over a week ago

The PolicyCo platform allows for highly relational associations between articles and controls. Associating a control back to a specific article allows you to be certain that your policy language matches your compliance objectives. A single control can be linked to any number of articles and any number of controls can be linked to a single article. This is especially powerful when you consider that your linked controls can come from many different compliance frameworks.

By default, within the platform, PolicyCo will set the labels to Articles and Frameworks. However, this label is dynamic and can be updated to Requirements and Regulations in the Settings to meet industry terminology standards. For the purposes of this user guide, the terms Article and Framework will be used.

To Link a Framework Control to a Policy Article

  • Navigate to an article in one of your policies

  • Click the + icon next to the controls label below your article content

  • Search for and select the appropriate control(s) from the list by clicking check box

  • Click Close

You've now successfully linked a control to an article. The control is displayed as collapsed for by default. Click on it to expand it. Link as many controls as you need to each article.

To Unlink a Framework Control

  • Navigate to the article with the framework control associated that you would like to detach

  • Click the three dot hamburger menu to the right of the control name

  • Click Unlink Control

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