Approve Articles and Procedures

Learn how to approve articles and procedures.

Updated over a week ago

Articles and Procedures remain in a draft or review mode until approved. Only policy Managers and Owners can approve articles. Only department managers and owners can approve procedures.

Once approved, articles are available to be incorporated into your policy release candidate.

Once approved, procedures are immediately accessible.

The button in the top right corner of each article drives most of this process. If you are creating an article for the first time, you will see this indicator instead of the blue button:

So, you've created an article and are in draft mode, specifically the first draft, v1. Once you are satisfied with you draft, click the red arrow to move it to review. This status indicates to the policy manager that you have completed you draft and seeking their approval.

The button now has two options. At this point the policy manager can send this article back to draft by clicking the left side, or they can approve it by clicking the blue side. Once approved, this control changes to a blue button.

That's it! You've walked through the entire approval process. Keep in mind that since articles are part of policy, an approved article will not be viewable in a policy until it goes through the policy release process.

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